

Zeige Ergebnisse 11 - 20 von 136


Middendorf, D., Bindrich, U., Mischnick, P., Franke, K., & Heinz, V. (2018). AFM-based local thermal analysis is a suitable tool to characterize the impact of different grinding techniques on sucrose surface properties. Journal of Food Engineering, 235, 50-58.
Palanisamy, M., Franke, K., Berger, R. G., Heinz, V., & Töpfl, S. (2018). High moisture extrusion of lupin protein: influence of extrusion parameters on extruder responses and product properties. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 99(5), 2175-2185.
Reisinger, M., Tirpanalan, Ö., Pruksasri, S., Kneifel, W., & Novalin, S. (2018). Disintegration of the agricultural by-product wheat bran under subcritical conditions. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 98(11), 4296-4303.
Steiner, J., Franke, K., Kießling, M., S., F., Töpfl, S., Heinz, V., & Becker, T. (2018). Influence of hydrothermal treatment on the structural modification of spent grain specific carbohydrates and the formation of degradation products using model compounds. Carbohydrate polymers, 184, 315-322.


Albers, D., Aganovic, K., & Franke, K. (2017). Verfahren zur Herstellung von Hydrokolloid mit erhöhtem Wasserbindevermögen. (Patent Nr. EP3254569).
Franke, K. (2017). Grundlagen der Prozessgestaltung und Modellierung. In H.-D. Tscheuschner (Hrsg.), Grundzüge der Lebensmitteltechnik ( 4. neubearbeitete Auflage Aufl., S. 653-663). Behr's Verlag.
Groß, F., Procelewska, J., Bindrich, U., Benning, R., Franke, K., Heinz, V., & Delgado, A. (2017). Optisches Diagnosesystem und fuzzy-basierte Processführungam Beispiel der Teigwarentrocknung. Cereal Technology, 71(2), 96-104.
Wanzenböck, E., Apprich, S., Tirpanalan, Ö., Zitz, U., Kracher, D., Schedle, K., & Kneifel, W. (2017). Wheat bran biodegradation by edible Pleurotus fungi – A sustainable perspective for food and feed. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 86, 123-131.


Middendorf, D., Bindrich, U., Mischnick, P., Juadjur, A., Franke, K., & Heinz, V. (2016). Atomic Force Microscopy study on the effect of different lecithins in cocoa-butter based suspensions. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 499, 60-68.


Franke, K., Bindrich, U., & Heinz, V. (2015). Fat crystal network structures have a strong influence on properties of fat-based barrier layers. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 117(11), 1792-1800.